Everything DiSC 360 Feedback

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders
Belmont Consulting is Authorized to Sell Everything DiSC® 363 Feedback For Leaders Products, Facilitate Everything DiSC® 363 Feedback Training Workshops, and Certify People as Everything DiSC® Facilitators


Different from other 360 feedback, this is a two-part self-rating tool for leaders. The 22+-page 360° profile report provides the following.


  • DiSC 363 Feedback contains context-specific feedback as well as easy-to-read visuals.
  • To illustrate the Eight Approaches and Practices, see above.
  • Graphic illustrations break down feedback by type of rater (e.g., managers, peers, direct reports).
  • What’s more, three personalized strategies show areas where leaders have the greatest opportunities for improvement. These strategies are based on their unique DiSC style, in addition to specific feedback provided by raters.
  • The report has a research-validated, online assessment for raters. Coupled with the Leadership Behaviors assessment and Leadership Requests survey. Specifically, the survey asks raters to identify leadership practices they would like to see the leader engage in more frequently. Most important, raters choose from a variety of selectable comments that provide focused, balanced, and constructive feedback.  Of course, there is no limit on the number of raters that can participate. As a result, this is better than other 360° feedback reports.

Significantly Better Everything DiSC 363 Feedback for Leaders Profile helps Leaders:

  • Recognize tendencies that shape their approach to leadership, based on their DiSC® style.
  • Understand how others see them as a leader with 360° feedback. Conversely, how their own self-ratings compare.
  • Identify which tendencies are their strengths. And on the other hand, which ones would benefit from further development.
  • Finally, they learn three personalized strategies for becoming a more effective leader. These strategies are based on specific rater 360 feedback.
DiSC 363 Program Components

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She tried to entertain her guests. Similarly, he put all his heart and soul in cooking a great dinner. I’m tired of poor productivity. Therefore, I’m going to go to DiSC Productive Management training. We’re letting you go. In other words, you’re fired. I am not fond of conflict. However, I do like productive conflict. Today, I’m going to write a post about DiSC. In addition, I’m recording some video lessons. She tried to entertain her guests. Similarly, he put all his heart and soul in cooking a great dinner.